4Runner Rattle Reduction
As a vehicle gets older, it starts to creak, groan and rattle when it’s driven on rough roads. My 4Runner is such a vehicle. Here’s the story of how one of those rattles disappeared.
As a vehicle gets older, it starts to creak, groan and rattle when it’s driven on rough roads. My 4Runner is such a vehicle. Here’s the story of how one of those rattles disappeared.
It’s taken all summer (and some of the fall) for me to be in a position to visit Bridger Peak, but I’ve finally been able to do it! Click Here to view the Bridger Peak page and see how it went.
It’s been a week since the funding deadline for my Kickstarter Project passed. Unfortunately, I didn’t reach my funding goal. I’ve had people ask if I still plan to travel to and photograph all the county highpoints in Utah. People have said they think it would be a great trip. I happen to agree with […]
Here’s the answer to the question of where I got the idea to climb the highest point in all of Utah’s counties.
Google Maps have been added to each of the High Point pages to show the highpoint’s location.
A quick ride to the Forest Service road that leads to Bridger Peak revealed that there’s still a lot of snow in the high country. No real surprise, but it was still fun to go up and check.
After a lot of thought, research, and preparation, my Kickstarter Project has launched! Click this link Looking In High Places to go to the Kickstarter page for the project.
After I’d declared this website finished and moved on to my next task, I realized there were no photos on the photography website I’d just created! That’s just not right, so I’ve added some images to act as place holders until the snow melts and I can get up high and make some new ones. […]
LookingInHighPlaces.com is Up and Running! Creating a website for the first time has been, well, it’s been frustrating. I’ve learned more than I ever thought there was to know about websites and still feel like I know absolutely nothing. I’ve gained great respect for those who do this kind of work everyday. I feel like […]
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